Mike was murdered, and his truck set on fire. Cops have no clues, and it's possible he could have defended himself, as obviously, the cops can't, not can they find the killer.
A petition has been launched by the SBTC (Small Business in Transportation Coalition) that calls for the ATF to create a special firearm carry permit for transportation professionals that would be valid in every state.
You can sign the petition here to help get one step closer to making this a reality.
With a permit valid in all states, it will end the cross-state confusion and help protect the truckers who are transporting our goods.
This brings to mind a 'special rules for special people' situation. Why not all citizens? Truck driver or not? Go to www.handgunlaw.us, click on your home state and find out what states honor your home states carry permit and get additional NON-Resident permits from those states you travel to.
Example, with a MN Permit to Carry and Florida non-resident and a Utah non-resident permits, you can legally carry in something like 39-40 states.
I understood the 2nd amendment to have the words "not be infringed" and if you can't be allowed to be ready and available to make use of your constitutional rights regardless of where you are or what you are driving... then I'd say that's proof they've been infringed
Of course, even if you get a gun permit, it's still a matter of if your company allows you to carry a weapon as well.
For all the talk about guns, and drivers, I'd like to point out that a shotgun is a perfect choice for self protection. Few people are stupid enough to tangle with ANYONE that racks a round into a shotgun,. the sound alone is universally understood. Shotgun pellets won't travel for thousands of feet and hit innocent people and objects, they are stopped by most anything after a couple hundred feet, hundgun bullets? Go through most anything in hundreds of feet. And best of all, you don't need to be a good aim with a shotgun, just point in the general direction and tell the asshole goodbye.
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